Private Growth Capital for Deserving High Yield BPO & KPO Projects

During a 15 year era and with over 30 years of executive investment & inside sales experience within our management; we have privately funded 100% of our own campaigns and global operations.  

We thrive in ad tech & digital media channels.  

We create, build, and manage end to end ad platforms in EdTech, Med Tech, Lux Real Estate, Banking & Finance, Resorts & Hotels, plus Ecommerce. 

Our integrated companies use boots on the ground senior project managers to succeed and grow yield within emerging economies.  

We own & operate a global project campaign portfolio valued in excess of $50M using advanced remote BPO and KPO based workflows, offshore strategies, and virtual call centers.   

Our work product covers 4 continents, 8 languages, and 10 time zones.    

We Do Things 
It Works

We’d love to talk about your growth potential

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